2025, avenue Elmhurst (NDG)
Located close to the Montreal West train station and Loyola Campus of Concordia University, this 27 apartments building has affordable 3½ and 4½ with renovated bathroom. The heating and hot water is included
You have the choice of public transport, the train, bus 90,105,123,356 (4km to metro Vendome). By car, you are 2 minutes away from highway 20 and 10 minute to downtown.
Our tenants also appreciate our Laundromat with giant machine. Some of the proximity service: Loblaws, Super C, Snowdon Bakery, Reno Depot, Canadian Tire,…
(514) 489-7783
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Certain properties advertised are owned and administered by owners other than the company "Groupe Immobilier Leduc Inc.". The name of the owner of the building concerned will be specified by the janitor / representative as well as on the lease.